Thursday, August 18, 2011

i will love... strangers i have grown to love

“strangers”. but are they really? i can’t tell you how blessed i am to have met such beautiful people through music and the internets.

i don’t know how to properly explain this without backing it up with some examples…

mel. probably the first of my so called “internet” friends. enthusiastic and hilarious, she accompanied me during the worst of my fangirl phase and together we discovered a brilliant branch of musicians.

sierra. my fellow bay area music lover who left me for the magic of brooklyn, but who taught me the life of live music and friendship.

ander. the future father of my children. well… or so he promised a few years back. ander is a weetinylittlekid with a huge heart and a lot of musical goodness to go around. he inspires me to continue to love writing and sharing with you all.

drew. someone i am so so happy to have met. he introduced me to so much of what i know and love today and encouraged me to consider singing outside of my shower walls. where would i be without that push? i don’t know.

lori. i literally sat here for 5 minutes straight trying to think of a single description that would somehow say it all. lori is one of those people i simply fell in love with from the moment we met. i may be just an annoying teenager to her, but she has helped me through some pretty rough spots and has inspired me more than she’ll ever know. i joke that we have enough in common to be soulsisters or something, but in all honesty i could only wish for such an honor.

erin. the big sister i never had. i can’t tell you how much i love this woman. she’s currently showing me the ropes on just about everything. she made me realize that being human is just about the best thing we’ve got and we better take advantage of it. i am her “little one” and she tries to act like she’s so cool sometimes, but really we’re just one big fat load of love for each other.

emily. my wifey. we decided one day that boys are dumb and men aren’t much better, so if we never find ones we’re happy with, we’ll always have each other. with em, it started off as jealousy. something about her makes her everyones friend, and i am still pretty jealous. but you know… thank god. i get to be her wife.

cassidy. the girl that makes my marriage complicated. no, in all seriousness, she is a ridiculously talented songwriter that apparently loves sharks… who knows. but i’m so glad to have her as a friend.

grace. dancer, writer, photographer… this girl has got it all. grace is so far beyond her years i can’t find an age for her. her heart, mind, and confidence will literally blow you away. she’s taught me a lot about loving myself and i love her for that.

macyk. that hipster i always wish i could be. macy is adorable and sweet and uber talented! she really doesn’t get just how great her music is because she refuses to share more of it! i love it so much!

cara. an old woman in a little girls body. sometimes i don’t get how such a little person can have so much passion, talent, and wisdom. i swear we would be best friends if we didn’t live on separate coasts.

yvonne. probably the sweetest person ever. i tell allie that she has the best mom in the world (other than my mom) and she doesn’t really fight me on it. she’s like wonderwoman… i cannot wait until i meet her, because i have to see for myself that such a person exists. yvonne is mother to so many young women already, and yet they keep rolling on in because they all hear about her sincerity and ability to comfort us all.

these people have helped me so much along they way and i can’t believe how blessed i am to be friends with them all. slowly but surely i will meet them all someday.

i will love who music and the internet have given me. they’ve inspired me in ways you can’t imagine. they are no strangers at all.

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