Wednesday, August 3, 2011

i will love... my body

“i have more boobs than you and i’m a boy!!!”. joey from the fifth grade felt the need to yell that out across the lunchtable in front of a cafeteria full of elementary school kids. and it crushed me. i knew i didn’t have boobs, but pointing and laughing at them wasn’t really my favorite thing to hear…

my point is not that i still hold a grudge on a 9 year old boy that teased me in the lunchroom, but that everyone is insecure about their body at some point or another, especially young girls. we get it from the media, our peers, even our family… when is any girl ever happy with her body? rarely do people sit around smiling about their stunning hazel eyes or their lovely cheekbones… but girls can go on and on about how they are too fat or too skinny, too pale or too dark, too tall or too short, too flat or too voluptuous, too boney or too curvy, and the list goes on. it’s sad to see girls struggle with a constant hatred of these “imperfect” parts.

even my 12 year old sister can’t go a day without looking in my mirror and spewing some hatred out at it, or poking fun at my small chest or how i have my father’s nose. there is no such thing as a perfect body, nor should their be, and we need to stop obsessing over something we do or don’t have.

as for me, sure i’m insecure… but i don’t let it get to me like some people. yes, i have my father’s nose. yes, i cringe a little every time i find a photo of my profile. yes, i am so to speak “barely there”. yes, my thighs are almost the size of my waist. yes, i think i have ugly toes. yes, my hair is constantly frizzy. but what i don’t ever think about is the shape of my eyes and how they brighten my face, or that i have a dimple when you get me to smile, or how i have killer hipbones and my thighs really aren’t so bad… we all have our beauty parts, but the actual key to making them shine is confidence. it’s really the sexiest thing you can have, and you don’t need plastic surgery to get it.

treat your body with respect. have some confidence. and love where you’ll be because of it.

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