Monday, October 31, 2011

i will love... the fall

you know that very first morning while walking to school/work in your comfy sweater, scarf and boots and you realize you can see your breathe in the air? that’s fall.

i adore fall so much. SO SO much.

the other morning i was singing christmas carols in the shower and my roommate was like “what? you think it’s almost christmas?”. ummm yes! christmas is what my entire year revolves around. once it gets chilly outside, i get a little tickle in my belly that says YAY CHRISTMAS!

but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. why is it i love fall so much? well. what is there not to love? pumpkin spice lattes. sweaters. pumpkin pie. tea. costumes. sweaters. soups. cuddles. sweaters. turkey. thanks. falling leaves. sweaters. chilly mornings. and it’s almost christmas excitement!

there is something about chilly weather that makes it impossible not to swoon for some coffee, tea, soup and/or cuddles. there is nothing i’d like more than something/someone to wrap their arms around me while i sip on something warm. of course this can happen any time of the year, but really who wants extra layers of clothing/body heat during the summer (or in the bay area… in LATE september!)? not me. i much rather come home, take off my coat, unwrap my scarf, slip out of my tights and boots, and make love to a warm cup of tea every night.

take this time to be thankful for the things in your life that keep you warm and cozy. notice that the kids are thrilled with their halloween costumes, and secretly looking forward to presents at christmas. notice that another year has gone by with the ones you love. notice that at this time last year you had no idea you’d be here now, but you’re glad that you are. notice that everyone around you is a bit more hustley and bustley than they were this summer, but you love them just the same. notice that you can always count on this season but you better love it while it lasts.

i have always loved fall. and now i will love sharing it with a new someone and a new family.

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